Friday, May 1, 2009

Photographic memory they say?

Interesting it is when you think about why photographs become larger than the subject itself. Many a times, I’ve seen clicking pictures is all we’ve done at any meet up. So when you look back at what exactly you’ve tried to capture the answer’s obscurely warped and all you’ve actually captured is the event of clicking pictures itself at various different places in different times.
Capturing the present through a photograph for me, is to look back at those pictures and eventually remember something that’s not even in the picture, like what I said right before it was clicked or whose foot was getting crushed despite which they smiled and made a fuss later and so on.
Striking poses that are not remotely similar to what your confluence would otherwise suggest feels like a cheap gimmick only to make the outcome more interesting, that’s it, clicking pictures is like a sport of some kind, the more interesting poses you strike, the more interesting are the captions and most importantly the reactions.
Facebook has made pictures a window into the real lives of people as opposed to their e-self that everybody otherwise has access to. Its funny how one of the first things you look for, in a person’s profile is their pictures, almost like re-assuring yourself that this person actually exists and has a life and there’s proof!
When I look at old family albums with my Dad, he has a story for each picture, like when he took a trip with his friends to Kerala or when he and Ma just moved into our house or when he bought my cousin his first full-length trouser and clicked a picture to remember the day. Our pictures suddenly seem shallow, it’s not like every picture must have an important historical value but some sort of semblance of a memory worth keeping is what I’m asking for.
Despite all this analysis I know I’ll be the person to stick my tongue out and pose the moment the next person says- “Picture time!”

Ohh the irrefutable need to go with the flow


consciously subconscious said...

...and hows this "irrefutable need to go with the flow" born ?

aparajita said...

born mainly out of not wanting to create a scene and being a whatchamacallit, spoil sport?