Thursday, April 28, 2011


It is quite often that I find myself feeling like an after party floor, sticky and untreadable. At the end of every birthday party, like return gifts are a tradition, the floor, unfailingly will be sticky, like something that's gone bad of being over-used.
So the post-party sticky floor syndrome is to feel untreadable, umm unwanted probably but in a sticky sort of way. Like something that you don’t want but which will get stickier proportionately to the amount of not-wanting.

It’s probably weird to live as a piece of something else. Imagine being a broken piece of mirror. Its identity will always be associated with the whole although it is decisively broken and lives independently. Therefore it lives shadowed in the perception of the whole and identity remains associative, unestablished.
Pieces always feel the pain of the whole. Jagged edges are always virtues of broken parts, the greater puzzle of which the part is, will always ignore the blemish.

Living happens inside and outside your head. Life is lived in aspiration. To wait for things to become better. To want to be elsewhere, all the time. In another space, inside one's head. Sometimes in the need to be in another person's story space. To be relevant in alternate spaces. Today will always be lived as tomorrow’s past I read somewhere.

PS: Try looking at yourself in the reflection of a mirror, looking elsewhere and not into your own eyes, it’s like observing another person. I wonder how movie stars watch themselves as somebody else.
Conversely, if some looks into your eyes, you stop observing them. The equation definitively changes, to what, I can’t seem to articulate. Food for thought? Comments will be appreciated :)


Sumedh said...

I : So true. . .
II: Does the broken mirror care about what we think of it ? I'm sure it is very confident and self-assured in itself :D
III:Really ??I think that most times ,you can't help but live in the present. Of course, plans are always for the future ,but that's by definition right ?

Someone looking into your eyes would lead to some kind of suspended animation wouldn't it ?( seriously :D) i mean, where you can see the flames leaping in their iris and the pupil expands to fill up the whole eye :P

aparajita said...

II: Since it will always be a piece of something else, wouldn't it be living in self-delusion?

III: Somehow you live in the present for it to pass you by sooner.

Yeah I think it would be a direct reflection onto yourself, the sudden awareness of the self while another looks straight at you.