Friday, May 14, 2010

Blog held me at gun-point and demanded a post

Death penalty for Amir Ajmal Kasav!
While all the bureaucrats, politicians, government officials, police officers etc. heaved a sigh of relief, the strangest questions rose in my mind. I'd once very vehemently believed that capital punishment is what this man deserves and nothing less. But today i question the very norms of society and its policy-makers. Who gives any human being the right to sentence another man to death, who for that matter gives us the right to sentence lifetime captivity for another living being?
Priorities in this country are misplaced, there are villages without electricity and children still walk 5 kilometers in search of drinking water, and we spend valuable money on the security of an international terrorist. A drain of resources to the tune of 33 crores has been incurred by the government for Amir Ajmal Kasav's security and maintenance. I'm not taking sides, merely speculating at the dismal conditions.
I understand very well that with the hanging of Kasav, all that is associated with the 26/11 attacks and the horrifying impotency of the government displayed by their reaction, will be hung as well. It is a statement to the people, a promise of sorts, re-instating the authority of the government and its stance towards not only terrorism as a global phenomenon but also towards any force that causes harm to the people of India.
Finally the government has taken some action and the people are happy. How is it that they are not able to see through the phoniness? And yet again I remind myself that I do not represent India. The one billion people are not clones of me. "I" will always remain type-casted, marginalised, minoritized and unimportant.
The people who are this country will always be those who have a tarpaulin roof without any amenities or a pukka house with a water connection, depending on who is in power. I cannot expect to be protected under this faux-democratic system. And unless the disparity of our populace is bridged, we will continue to wear our best poker-faces, pretend like nothing happened and 'move on'.

PS: too many things on my mind, I've merely mentioned some things that are bothering me, each statement creates immense conflict which I cannot deal with right now. Phew!